Thursday, April 7, 2011

Do I love movies?!?!?!?

The Great Blog Challenge lasts for 30 days and the goal is to share a bit of yourself each day, following the prompts given. To see the full list of guides for each day, read my April 1 posting. I am loving the Great Blog Challenge, and truly think you would too. So join at any time throughout the month... you will learn alot about yourself but also have fun doing it :)

Day 7: Favorite Movies

Oh my goodness, I love movies. I used to work at Blockbuster as a teenager and the biggest perk for me was that I got to get 5 free rentals a week!!! And the other super cool thing is that the 5 could be ANY movie I wanted, even ones that were not available to rent yet. Yeah, I had it like that lol. Hands down that was my best job as a teenager and I would have stayed and moved up to manager but my education was FAR more important and Alma College was waiting for me.

Well to start back from the beginning, my mom really inspired my love for movies. As a child she used to take me, my sister and brother to the movies downtown Cincinnati. For me as a little kid it was AWESOME. I think watching movies at a young age is why I am so imaginative. But here are a couple of the movies that I love and will watch over and over again. I hope that you have atleast heard of these movies if you have not yet seen them. Trust me you will love these.

  • Meet Joe Black: one of the only movies in which I fell in love with Brad Pitt. This movie is loosely based on the classic Death Takes a Holiday (which I did not see). But I adore the story line, I think the movie was wonderfully written, acted and every time I watch it I cry. This is how bad I love this movie, I brought the 2 VHS tapes when it first came out, and once it came on DVD I gave it to my Boston College lab partner. In college and grad school I got so many of my friends to watch this movie and I think they appreciated it. I even watched this on t.v. when it came on a couple of years ago, that is how much I can not get enough of this movie.

  • The Little Mermaid: Favorite cartoon and movie of all time. I read Hans Christian Anderson's version as a child and cried my eyes out. When it came out on VHS my mom rented it and we watched it as a family. I think my siblings and mom was not too impressed but 9 year old Keyta was in love. I wanted everything Little Mermaid inspired and was just so obsessed. When it came back out in the theaters 10 years later I was at the Friday night opening as if I never seen the movie. I know every song and can be called a fanatic.

  • The Princess Bride: the setting is in one of my favorite time periods, a young and very attractive Cary Elwes and a very humorous and romantic story. A true classic in my mind.

  • The Usual Suspects: One of the movies I remember seeing with just my sister. The acting, cast, story was so refreshing it was difficult to not walk out of the screening and not want to be like Keyser Soze.

  • Brother Bear: I love this cartoon for the simple fact that it reminds me of my brother Geoffrey. I can not watch this movie too often because I just cry and cry. But it is sweet, cute and touching.

  • Kiss the Girls: This has an older Cary Elwes but Morgan Freedman and Ashley Judd really make this book turned screenplay a chiller. I watch this movie every time it is on tv even though I own it.

  • Space Balls: I am so not into Star Wars and I love how Mel Brooks makes fun of it in a way that is spot on and side splitting. I love this movie and can watch repeatedly.

  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom: this movie scared me as a child because hearts were being removed from people's chest. I went to the cheapee show with my family to see this and loved the action, had a major crush on Harrison Ford but very afraid of losing my heart lol..

  • Well here were some of my favorite movies, many of them not very current but quite enjoyable and I would bet money that you would love them.

      1 comment:

      1. I LOVE MEET JOE BLACK!!! Did you know that homegirl is British in real life?!
