Day 9: A picture of your friends...
I love to brag that I have the best friends in the world. There are at times when I wish that I had a larger group of friends, but I realize that I have a small nit group of friends and I love and cherish them.
Let's start with my oldest friend Kara Danielle... She is the bright spot in my life. She is such a warm, caring and loving person. She treats me like family and it is genuine. I truly can not imagine my life without her. I can tell her anything and she still loves me unconditionally. I trust her with my secrets and my life. If I did not have a sister, Kara Danielle would be it, well, I take that back, she is my sister.

I love our story of she made me become her friend by spending me off to college with stationary and self addressed stamped envelopes. That is how we bonded. I can see me growing old with great grandkids and Kara still in our lives sitting on the porch with me and us telling the kids how we became and remained best friends.
Danae, the little one is a great person who is also in my life. She is so kind and sweet. I still remember that in 11th grade she grabbed the turkey from my chef salad and from that a friendship was born. Her and I did not become closer until I came back in 2006 and we are still going stronger. She helps me when I need someone to talk to and she is such an great part of my life.
Danae is also one of those friends that will be in my life for years and years. She is my ultimate drink wine and watch Law and Order friend, even if we seen it hundreds of times. This is one of my favorite pictures of her and Kara.

I love you more than you know and am SO GRATEFUL to God for our friendship. :)