~Day 1: Introduce myself, submit a recent picture and highlight 15 interesting facts
I guess an introduction is in order. My name is La'Keyta but I go by Keytabell. I was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio in December. I was the middle child and with that I always felt like I had the best of everything in that I had an older sister to look up to, but also a younger brother to model appropriate behaviors and also have fun with. I consider myself a pretty easy going individual, humorous, extremely verbal and compassionate. I enjoy traveling, reading and being around awesome people :)

Here are 15 interesting facts about myself:
1. I picked my undergrad college because it started with an "A".
2. I was voted funniest in high school.
3. I did not get my driver's license until I was 23 after failing the first time because I drove too slow.
4. I joined the sorority Alpha Gamma Delta at Alma College because I wanted some positive people in my life...I can truly say that my sisters saved me
5. I have legally worked since the age of 14
6. I typically will move every year because I want to experience a new neighborhood and I just love moving.
7. I am working on my Doctoral degree and after completing my dissertation I will require people to call me "doctor"
8. I got my first car at age 25 and I just paid it off..woot woot
9. I love electronics more than jewelry
10. To unwind from a hard day at work I typically watch crime dramas which ends up making me cry or a bit more paranoid than I already am
11. I have only lived in 5 states
12. My goal is to visit at least one new state a year
13. My nickname growing up was "Fatty" affectionately given to me by my Uncle Jeff
14. I want to be major of Cincinnati but realistically know that that would never happen
15. When I see the brightest star in the sky I believe that it is my brother letting me know he is in heaven and is okay.
Thanks for reading my day one...come back and see what's going down for tomorrow
Love, love, LOVED reading all of this!!! You could totally be mayor of Cincinnati and I PROMISE that I'm not saying that because I'm your best friend.
ReplyDeleteThis is great Keyta....I miss you so much and I am very thankful for the Alma College Admissions Office and Alpha Gamma Delta for introducing us to each other!!