For you individuals who are interested in taking an art class, I would recommend Baker Hunt. My class was only $30 and was 1.5 hours. It was so easy and fun that I actually want to look into more classes to enrich my life and rev up my creative juices.
1 Large Leaf
Portland cement or Stucco Mix
Bag of fine sand
Bag of coarse sand
Coarse weave burlap
Large box that leaf will lay flat in
1. Trace leaf on the burlap and cut it out. Trim all edges to make about 1/4 in. smaller than the leaf. Soak in water while mixing cement.
2. Fill bottom of box with coarse sand.
3. Place leaf upside down on coarse sand. Mold sand into shape you want the finished product to look like. Can leave flat if you want the leaf to lay flat.
4. If using Portland cement, use 1 measure of cement to 3 measures of fine sand. If using Stucco mix, use 1 measure of stucco to 2.5 measures of fine sand. Water as needed.
5. Mix dry ingredients in container until well blended. Add water a little at a time until mix makes a moist ball in your hand. (The mixture should resemble creamy peanut butter).
6. Apply wet burlap cut out, on top of cement. Smooth and lightly press into cement.
8. Mix another batch of cement and apply another 1/2 in. layer of cement on top of this.
9. Clean all edges. Let dry for about 24 hours.
10. Leaf may be painted with any out door paint. May be left outside all winter if you put a coat of cement sealer on it after it is thoroughly dry, about 1 month.
This is a fun project and I hope that I am able to continue on with finding my creative side. Until I write in you again....
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