So for church we were challenged to give up some form of the media. Since I have given up tv before (roughly 3 years ago) I decided to give up the internet. With me it seems that it is always go BIG or go home. But it was just something that I felt needed to be done. A week later, today is my re-emergence to the cyber world and it feels good. The down side is that I have already noticed that my productivity at work has left me. Granted I still have not gone on Facebook or checked my email so I guess this fasting of the internet has made somewhat of an impact.
This challenge has really made me see how much my life revolves around the internet and I know that I am not the only one. But I will only focus on myself and if you the lovely readers out there see yourself in my struggle just know that your not alone. So giving up the internet was awesome and horrible at the same time. I loved not being a slave to my phone and not updating my status or checking some nonsense online. Before this challenge, everytime I would get an email my phone would beep and like the dogs salivating at the sound of the bell, I would instantly reach for the phone, be it in a meeting, class, work, driving, cooking where and whatever. But for one week when my phone beeped, I ignored it. I lived my life and time did not end. It was so freeing. But everything in the world interested me and it was so hard not to look it up. I found myself fascinated by random things that before April 30th (the start of the challenge) was deemed insignificant but without internet my mind craved knowing information. I just think it was funny.
Too add more media freedom to my life, on Monday the 3rd I gave up tv for a week. Granted I prepared my DVR to record all of my shows as scheduled but I have been tv free and internet free at the same time. Talk about being a glutton for punishment. Granted I still had my lovely two plus hour conversations with Caleb, but without tv you would not believe how much sleep, cleaning and reading I got accomplished. I had some strong urges to watch tv though, because I am only human but as of today I still have not watched tv.
I don't know why tv is so much harder to give up then internet. During my internet free week, I wanted to go online, wanted to check the messages on my phone but I refrained and was okay with it. But with tv, I just look at the screen and my hand is reaching for the remote. I had to wonder if I would be cheating if I played Wii because that is technically not watching tv right?!?!? See the addict brain is so conniving but I still have not played Wii so I am sticking to my guns. But today is Friday and I only have to battle through the weekend. I can do it, I can do it. Now I am planning on filling my weekend with activities so that I don't realize how much I miss tv. Maybe since I have the internet the tv won't have such a big pull on me. I guess we will see about that. Anyways, hi blog, I have maintained my writing in you weekly so I accomplished something. Well until I write in you again....
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