Friday, May 28, 2010


So this has been a traumatic week in my life. An ER visit and then a horrible follow up visit. It was the kind of week where it can drive you to drink and that is exactly what I would have done except I am taking medications and like a good patient I will not mix meds and liquor no matter how tempting. (That was a very long run on sentence). But I am making this posting short because the meds I take make me so sleepy and I am getting up early to go hiking with Caleb :) But life besides medical complications is pretty good.

I am listening on tape to the Five Love Languages and unofficially my language is "Quality Time". I feel the most loved when people spend time with me. The more I think about this one I waver because there are times when I detach myself from others or isolate from others and that makes me happy. Or maybe that is my love language but I am just not fluent in the language yet. I don't know. But of all of the five love languages that is the one that I can clearly identify for myself so even if I am not very fluent in that language it is still mine. It has me thinking about the love languages of my friends and family. Granted this book is written by a marriage counselor so it is for couples but it can be applied to all relationships.

Well I am getting tired with each word I write so I must go. I just wanted to keep my word and write a posting every week. Until I write in you again.....

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