Thursday, May 20, 2010

Feeling blah blah but still going on

So it is another day and I am doing well enough I guess. Feeling very stressed and having some eye twitchings which is never good but hey I am still working out which is always helpful.

I don't have much in the term of updates but hey anything is better than nothing right?!?! I saved $20 more which puts me at a little over $200 saved so slowly but surely I will hit the $500 mark.

I purchased 3 more yummy bottles of wine, my favorite being a red wine called Middle Sister which is suposedly the best blend of all of the reds -per their advertisement. I never had it before but it just seemed like a perfect addition to my wine collection family :) And being the middle sister I gotta support anything that is a tribute to us.

Ummm, I ended up gaining some weight this week which was to be expected considering that my food intake was pretty bad and I drank alot more this week. Darn you Woodchuck, so yummy yet so full of calories. Hey, remember me saying that it has been stressful? I gained between 0.2 to 0.6lbs (it really depends on where the scale was situated) so not bad, but not what I wanted to see stepping on the scale.

I am also reading book #3, well #4 because I am still reading The Lucifer Effect at the same time. This new book is by David Sedaris called Me Talk Pretty One Day. It is one of the books from my friend Kara's book club and I decided to read it because I am planning on going to the book club meeting in June. I originally was going to go in October but I figured since I am reading my books faster than I thought why not read a book that will be discussed sooner than October?

As for my budding romance (should I even call it that?!?!?) Caleb did make me smile this week in that he is planning this hiking trip for me. Next week we are going to Hocking Hills to hike Old Man's Cave and then have a picnic. This was probably one of the best news I got. He is truly a great guy that I enjoy being around. It is actually scary at times but with me not letting my anxiety take over I am enjoying this scary & unpredictable ride. I really want him to meet my friends but I don't wanna rush anything either. So as I said I will just play it by ear and enjoy our time together.

Thinking of him reminds me of this which is from one of my friends who posted this as her Facebook status. I just thought it was awesome and beautiful. Find a guy who calls U beautiful instead of hot, will lie under the stars & listen 2 ur heartbeat, will stay awake just 2 watch U sleep, wants 2 show U off 2 the world when ur in sweats, holds ur hand in front of his friends, thinks ur just as pretty w/o makeup on. One who constantly reminding U of how much he cares & how lucky he is is 2 have U...The 1 who turns 2 their friends & says, "that's her". Being the hopeless romantic that I am, I wish this person for everyone. Who knows maybe I found mine?!?! Oh isn't that a lovely thought.

I guess this is all for my update. Not much but still making progress and having fun along the way. Until I write in you again....

1 comment:

  1. So excited to read you're coming to Reading Group next month! & the hiking trip... sounds wonderful & you deserve the BEST so soak it up, Keyta-Bell. :)
